对ehlib 显示效果不够满意,而做的调整
修改这个过程:procedure TCustomDBGridEh.DrawIndicatorCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; AreaCol, AreaRow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState; CellAreaType: TCellAreaTypeEh);{ 注释掉 这段代码 if MultiSelected then begin BackColor := Canvas.Brush.Color; Highlight := HighlightNoDataCellColor(ACol, ARow, AreaCol, AreaRow, CellAreaType, AState, MultiSelected, BackColor, Canvas.Font); Canvas.Brush.Color := BackColor; end;}if dghShowRecNo in OptionsEh then begin TextRect := ARect; Dec(TextRect.Right, AIndicatorWidth + FRowselCheckboxesWidth); Canvas.Font.Size := Canvas.Font.Size - 1; if (ARecNo <= 0) or ((DataLink.DataSet.State = dsInsert) and IsCurrentRow(AreaRow)) or (DataGrouping.IsGroupingWorks and (ADrawGroupDataNode.NodeType = dntDataGroupEh)) then SRecNo := '' else SRecNo := IntToStr(ARecNo);// WriteTextEh(Canvas, TextRect, False, 0, 0, SRecNo, taCenter, tlCenter,// True, False, 0, 0, UseRightToLeftReading); Canvas.Font.Color := TitleFont.Color; // 增加这一行 WriteCellText(nil, Canvas, TextRect, False, 0, 0, SRecNo, taCenter, tlCenter, True, False, 0, 0); end;if (dghShowRecNo in OptionsEh) and (CellAreaType.VertType = vctFooterEh) and (AreaRow = 0) then begin TextRect := ARect; Dec(TextRect.Right, AIndicatorWidth); Canvas.Font := Font; Canvas.Font.Size := Canvas.Font.Size - 1; ARecNo := 0; if Assigned(DataLink) and DataLink.Active then ARecNo := DataLink.DataSet.RecordCount; if (ARecNo <= 0) or ((DataLink.DataSet.State = dsInsert) and IsCurrentRow(AreaRow)) then SRecNo := '' else SRecNo := IntToStr(ARecNo);// WriteTextEh(Canvas, TextRect, False, 0, 0, SRecNo, taCenter, tlCenter,// True, False, 0, 0, UseRightToLeftReading); Canvas.Font.Color := TitleFont.Color; // 增加这一行 WriteCellText(nil, Canvas, TextRect, False, 0, 0, SRecNo, taCenter, tlCenter, True, False, 0, 0); end;